My name is Freicy Pacheco, I am 28 years old. I have a degree in social communication, graduated from the Rafael Belloso Chacín University in the city of Maracaibo, Venezuela, in 2017.
Since then, I moved to the city of Houston, Texas
One of my passions came from music, I am a believer that music has power in what you like. I always like to go to concerts and see people enjoying the show. But not only that, the fact of documenting that moment in a photograph was what motivated me to get into concert photography.
Portraits are also of my taste, street photography is one of my passions, I feel that you show many things with the look and places I see.
My motivation comes from continuing to look for ways to photograph and continue to leave my shots to the public.
I'm still learning, I don't stop, I want to go for more opportunities and keep growing as a professional.